When the sudden and shocking death of a coworker sends everyone reeling at Gault Capital, JANE, uncovers a very dangerous secret. Her boss, charismatic billionaire Thaddeus Gault, is suspected of massive financial fraud. An assassin, FRANK, is dispatched to silence her forever. Jane's flight from the office is forestalled when her pursuer shuts down her elevator. Now, trapped and alone, Jane must find a way to escape her steel cage before the killer reaches her. This brooding and relentless thriller plunges our heroine, Jane, into a free fall of betrayal and terror. To survive Jane must find the inner strength and courage to defeat the powers that hold her and her dreams captive by fear. An employee, working for Gault Capital in L.A, gets targeted by a ruthless assassin and locked in the elevator after she uncovers a chilling secret. Ho hum. Predictable. Boring.<br/><br/>Could have been so much more.<br/><br/>Not an original story by any means. Employee discovers fraud going on, someone is sent to "clean" the mess up. Things don't go according to plan. Standoff takes place till only one person is left.<br/><br/>The only difference is this one takes place on an elevator.<br/><br/>Sarah is the highlight (not just her gorgeous good looks!) of the movie and plays her part well. Man will remember Her from I Spit on Your Grave. (Now that's a tough movie to watch with Sarah exacting some pretty full on revenge on those who cross her!)<br/><br/>I wouldn't really recommend this movie unless absolutely nothing else was on or available. Watching a straight to DVD movie is always interesting experience - you never hear about these movies so you don't know what to expect. Some low budget movies can pull off great things with the story despite the limited budget. But this movie needs that budget ……badly. <br/><br/>This thriller premise started out quite interesting with a case of suicide in the corporate environment of finance. There was a whole office of people - "This could get interesting" I thought thinking it may become a great "whodunit" type. However this concept was quickly shot down by everyone leaving the office and the whole direction of the movie becoming quite apparent which totally deflated the thrill and left this movie as a low budget action flick. <br/><br/>Typical bad guy comes along, chases woman throughout office, despite being a professional he has really bad aim when it counts, he likes to walk when chasing people. He then threatens people with his goofy stare and cheesy dialogue. <br/><br/>The woman then makes it to the lift and then over half the movie is based around the lift. The movie should have been more accurately called "Stuck in the Lift" <br/><br/>The final show down between the woman and the guy is laughable - the conclusion of which only then does the movie title Free fall really mean anything.<br/><br/>Nice to watch if you are looking for something to accompany that pizza and beer…………and oh so much more beer.
Tahbapt replied
335 weeks ago